Monday, November 28, 2011

I've slacked

I've slacked on blogging in a while. I've also started letting myself slowly fall back into a funk. I don't know why, but some days are better than others. I have good days and then I have the not so good days. All I know is PPD just really really sucks. I want it to pass sooo bad and go back to my "normal" self. I haven't even been crafty in a while. Soooooooo I think its time to start crafting again. It makes me happy!
     BUT...... First I need to clean out my little craft area and organzie it all. It's a total DISASTER!!!! I'll post some before and after pictures when I get it finished! :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My new best friend!

Yesterday, I got a NEW best friend!!!!!

My old one broke so she needed to be replaced ASAP! :) 

I got a NEW sewing machine!!!!! She's completely digital and SOOOOOOOOOOOO quite compared to my old one!!!!!
I told myself I was going to stay at home today and clean, BUT I'm dying to go get some fabric and make something! 
Hmmmm maybe, JUST MAYBE if  I get my cleaning done real quick, I'll sneak to the store :)

today is Michael's momma's birthday, SO.......

Also....go check out this show and share!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pink rhinestone Converse love!

I got Maddie her first real pair of shoes. Ok, well her second! My mom got her some Juicy slip on's that are too cute, BUT I got her some high top pink Converse! They were too boring, 

I BEDAZZLED them!!! 
If you know me, then you know I LOVE putting rhinestones wherever I can! :)
Then I changed out the shoe laces in them! 

SO, here they are!!!! :)))))))
  These bows have alligator clips so they can come off! :)

here they are with just the zebra laces!!!!!

I CAN NOT wait for her to wear them!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm a cooker, 
 a baker, 
a house cleaner, 
a sewer, 
a crafter, 
a keeper of the kisses, 
a snuggler,  
a story teller,
a mom, 
and a wife.
I LOVE my job(s)   

Look how cute these little smiles are. 
AND how big these little peanuts are getting :( 

Halloween is approaching faster than ever. 
SOOOOOOOO with all this decorating for it, I had to bake some cupcakes for my boys!!!! 

Michael's mom had a little pumpkin bowl out and Maddie was in a Halloween outfit, so we stuck her in it and got a cute little smile before she stood up and got out! 
Brando wouldn't fit in the bowl or would he sit still so nooooo picture for little Brando!!!
This reminds me.....I need to do their Halloween pics!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm getting old.

It's official. I'm getting old. 

Ok....I'm almost 23 (I know it's really not old at all) BUT I feel like an old fart!
 It's 9 o'clock and I'm in bed all snuggled up. 
I have one kid who is in bed ad fast asleep by 7:30 and the other who is in bed by 7:30 and usually asleep by 8.
I put my kids on a schedule. 
It truely is the ONLY way for me to stay sane :)
Two kids is much more chaotic than one. 
they are awake every morning at 7, take a nap around 12:30 and then in bed at 7:30. 
If i let them do their own thing, one would go to bed around 9 and the other around 10:30-12.
THEN awake at 10. 

ok so I'm rambling.
the point to my rambling is they are BOTH asleep by 8. 
8:30 rolls around and I'm bored out of my mind. 
I can't sew, its too noisy
I cant vacumm
the dishes are already done
I've already picked up the toys and other "crap" they've drug out through out the day
I cant do laundry ( I don't have a washing machine :/ ) <-------- that sucks big time! I cannot wait to have my washing machine and dryer back!! NEVER thought those words would come out of this mouth!
I could get crafty and make some headbands 
BUT my bed sounds sooooooo much more comfy.

SOOOOOOOOOOO......what do I decide to do??!?!?!

YUP, crawl into bed around 8:30. WHAAAAAAAT?! ughhhhhhh I'm pretty lame! 
For the record Michael is gone working so its just me and the peanuts. (even when he is home, he gets tired very early from getting up early so he gets into bed too!)
The WHOLE reason to putting my kids to bed early was so I could have "me" time. Or time for just Michael and I.
This makes me wonder....what time will I go to bed when I'm 40?! 
You're probably wondering "what's the point of this whole post?!" 

There is no point lol. I'm trying to keep myself awake.
Lets face it. I'm getting old. Nighty night!! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My first garage sale buy!!!

This weekend I Found an AWESOME deal at a garage sale. Ok, I am NOT one to buy other people's junk, but while I was driving by I couldn't help but see this UGLY picture frame that had the potential to be really cute. In fact it was JUST what I was wanting for Madison's new room. I'm doing her new room in a shabby chic kinda theme and wanted some cute chunky picture frames for her room. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............................................................

......................................dun dun dun.....................................

the ugly picture frame I found.
 It was this super ugly gold frame. BUT I got it for $1!!!!! That's right, ONE dollar. I painted it an ivory color and then antiqued it so it looked old still.
I am seriously IN LOVE with this frame :) I haven't decided if I want to put a picture in it or make into a cork board, whatever it becomes, its going to look so cute in her room! NOW I'm almost half way tempted to drive around searching for garage sales to find another!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Its FINALLY Fall!!!

YAY!!! It's already October!! *sigh*......Hard to believe huh? I feel like this year has flown by so fast. This time last year I was 6 months pregnant! Holy cow!! Now Madison is 8 months old TODAY!!!! It doesn't feel like I had her 8 months ago :( The second kid grows faster then the first. Madison is now walking along everything and she eats just about anything we give her now! She's also got both of her bottom teeth! Her little smile looks so cute with little teeth in her mouth! Brandon still loves her like crazy, but as she gets older he gets more playful with her. Sometimes he forgets that she's just a baby and plays a little too hard with her. The other day he was trying to ride her like a horse while she crawled around. ohhhh boy.....that little boy! yesterday and today have really felt like Fall. The weather is nice and gloomy and cool. I got in the a Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks, went shopping and decorated our house for fall! :)

       This last weekend was such a fun weekend! On Saturday we went to BJ'S for dinner and then shot some hand guns. OMG when we got into the shooting range I ALMOST backed out and just let Michael shoot, BUT I put my big girl panties and did it! Getting myself to pull the trigger for the very first time took me a minute or two, but I did and HOLY COW.... it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! There's soooo much power out of a little piece of metal.
(Here's my target!! Not to bad for my very first time huh?!  P.s. the holes are by all those pink arrows!)

After that we went to the PBR in Stockton. AHHH sooo many cute cowboy's riding bull's! :) We had such a fun time together I didn't want the night to end. Sunday we walked down to the Lodi Street Fair with my parents and then met up with Michael's parents after a few hours. I found an AMAZING photographer that hopefully has an opening for fall family pictures!! Go check out her website. She specializes in newborns and OMG she is good! Jesica Allen Photography 

Brandon rode a pony two times, and he loved every minute of it! Future cowboy in the making! :) We had such a fun time this weekend, we were all sad when it was over and back to the usual daily work week!  :(