Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big weight off of my shoulders....

I deleted my Facebook a while ago and it was the best thing I have decided to do in a long time. Facebook was starting to make me depressed and with two (very busy) kids, I honestly don't have time for it and all its drama! I've decided to start blogging way more. I'm trying to have a new outlook on life. I'm done. I'm not taking ANYTHING for granted anymore. Letting go of all grudges and the anger. People spend WAY too much time holding grudges against people, talking about others and its NOT worth it. I don't care about anything in the past anymore, life is too short to be angry. I have too many blessing in my life, my husband, my children and my family. They are my everything, my universe. Its crazy how much life can change in a matter of years. 6 years ago I would have NEVER thought I would be married with 2 kids today. 6 years ago I met Michael, and it seems unreal that its been that long, but at the same time it still feels like yesterday we were riding around in his Tahoe causing trouble! I love that man more today than I ever have. My life is such a blessing, and sometimes you need to sit down and take a little time to remember that. I look into my children's eyes and am reminded how beautiful life truly is. Hug your loved ones a little tighter and kiss them one extra time everyday. Tell them you love them one more time a day. Quit being so angry and enjoy life a little more. :)