Friday, September 23, 2011

Life is good...

I love laying in bed with my husband and just talking. Talking about our feelings, emotions, thoughts, dreams, goals....everything. Sometimes I think life is hard, than I re-connect with my husband and realize how great life is. I'm so lucky to have a husband how loves me and supports everything I do. I cant say it enough but he really is my rock! Yesterday as I was making lunch for Brandon, I heard two little voices giggling. Madison was supposed to be sleeping in her swing, but instead Brandon was on top of her rocking her and smothering her with kisses. She of course thought this was funny. I couldn't help but get teary eyed standing there watching them. This is EVERYTHING I could have hoped for. My children adore each other. They are best friends. You can see all the love in their eyes that they have for each other. Wherever one goes the other follows. I always thought adding another child to a family would be more of a transition or harder than it has been. Some people look at me like I'm crazy when I say they are only 19 months apart. I sometimes think I'm crazy for having kids 19 months apart, BUT moments like those are EXACTLY why we chose to have them this close.

Today is a new day. Michael is starting a diet today. This means no more baking yummy stuff. I am determined to help my husband. I need to find a happy medium that works in our house. I can NOT diet with him. I'm actually on a different diet to gain weight. Technically I'm really underweight and with breast feeding I just cant and DON"T need to diet. So this will be a challenge to figure out what works for both of us, but I'm sure we will figure it out. If anyone has any links to some good blogs with healthy recipes then send them my way :)

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