Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hospital visit numero tres

Isn't it just when I say Brandon has been staying out of trouble is when something happens... again?!
Ughh this boy!

Well, yesterday Maddie went down for her morning nap so I took Brandon out to Michael's truck with me to make sure Madison's new car seat was installed properly. He was in the front seat playing and "driving," when he turns around with bright orange stuff coming out of his mouth. I asked him what that was and his answer: "Brandon ate that orange thing. It's nasty. I don't like that." Ok kid I see you ate it, BUT WHAT IS IT!???!?! So I'm searching to see what this mysterious nasty orange thing was and I look down the crack between the seat and the center console and find some pieces of a chewed up PILL. Go ahead and guess what color this chewed up pill was. ORANGE@?#!@# AHHHH kid REALLY?!?! The first things that came out of my mouth were "NOOOOOOOO oh my god you don't pills!!!" Poor kid didn't know, and probably thought it was candy. So he looks at me and says, "you don't eat those pills mommy." Even when I'm in a moment of panic he can still make me laugh.
So I wake Maddie up, get them both in the truck and off to the Lodi Memorial Emergency room we go. We get there and I tell them what has happened, so they are admitting him and she asks, " Has he been admitted here before?" before I can answer she chuckles and says, "never mind...he has!" HA! yes, my child is only two and this is his 3rd adventure here! I'm starting to believe he likes this place! I wonder how many times we will sit in an emergency room by the time he's 18? At the rate we're going probably A LOT! They basically just monitored him for a while. Since he was acting like his normal loud self they decided to not draw blood and let me take him home and monitor him. A couple hours in the hospital with just me and both kids was REEEEEAALLLLL fun! Can you read the sarcasm in that?! I'm glad he was ok. That's all that matters :) 

Maddie-bug just cut her 2nd tooth!!!!! She's growing SOOO fast. She is almost 8 months old!!! She holds onto the couch and walks across it! I cant say it enough.... I'M NOT READY FOR HER TO DO THIS! 
Well, that's all the excitement in this house the past couple days!!


  1. oh my gosh brandon poor baby wanted candy lol.. what was it??

  2. I have NOOO clue! I took a piece of the pill into the emergency room with me but they didn't even take it. I kinda researched and I think it might have been an Aspirin.

  3. crazy boy Im so glad he is okay...
